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On-site solutions to your specific environment is the key to preventing a future crisis

Our passion and mission is to keep you safe while equipping your organization with simple and practical tools to survive a violent incident.

Active Shooter Response Courses for:

Universities and Schools

Course Description

Active Shooter Response Course for Teachers and Staff

This course is our most popular, going through case studies of recent active shootings, proven techniques to survive active shooter incidents, how to distinguish the sound of gunshots, physiological reactions to stress, how to interact with law enforcement, situational awareness, threat recognition, and a basic life saving medical intervention class.

Social Worker Safety and Threat Recognition

This course is specifically designed for the tough situations and sometimes threatening environments that social workers find themselves in, and it covers recognizing when you’re in a threatening situation, de-escalation techniques, situational awareness, and a large portion on role playing and rehearsing common social worker violent situations.

Site Security Assessments

A full security assessment of buildings, property, emergency procedures and leadership structure. This is done with regard to the state and federal guidance that exists in your location, and will include a full report on the pro’s and con’s of the current security situation, with a list of actionable items your organization can do to enhance the safety of your staff or students. Recommendations range from free to high-end security measures, understanding that there are often times budgetary concerns. This assessment can be done in conjunction with any of the above courses.

Active Shooter Response for Armed Educators

This course is our Active Shooter Response Course, but with an added range component. Educators who live in states where it is legal to carry need adequate training to be safe around their students. You will have a classroom portion that covers: holster and gear recommendations, how and where to carry your firearm in the classroom, de-escalation techniques, tools other than firearms, situational awareness, etc. The range portion includes: concealed carry shooting, shooting with accuracy, barricade techniques, and a training plan given to each student for continued self training.

If you are an individual or small group other than what is listed above, please contact ASR Solutions for individualized custom training that will suit your needs.

Corporations and Businesses

Course Description

Active Shooter Response Course

This course is our most popular for corporations and businesses, going through case studies of recent active shootings, proven techniques to survive active shooter incidents, how to distinguish the sound of gunshots, physiological reactions to stress, how to interact with law enforcement, situational awareness, threat recognition, and a basic life saving medical intervention class.

Violence in the workplace training

This course enables the students to recognize when a coworker may have warning signs that signal a greater issue or a potential violent act, de-escalation techniques, how to react when there is violence in the workplace, proper reporting procedures, how to interact with law enforcement, and a basic trauma medical intervention class. This is often coupled with the Active Shooter Response Course

Situational awareness for travel (overseas and within the United States)

Some organizations send their employees to travel around the country or abroad, and oftentimes into unfamiliar territory. Looking like a tourist or someone who is from “out of town” may cause you to become a target for pickpocketing, theft, violence, kidnapping, and/or extortion. This course trains traveling professionals how to look the part, blend in, act as the locals do, techniques to avoid getting your passport or important items stolen, simple measures to avoid wandering into dangerous areas, situational awareness, legal self defense tools, and important resources to use before traveling abroad.

Site security assessments

A full security assessment of buildings, property, emergency procedures and leadership structure. This is done with regard to the state and federal guidance that exists in your location, and will include a full report on the pro’s and con’s of the current security situation, with a list of actionable items your organization can do to enhance the safety of your staff or students. Recommendations range from free to high-end security measures, understanding that there are often times budgetary concerns. This assessment can be done in conjunction with any of the above courses.

If you are an individual or small group other than what is listed above, please contact ASR Solutions for individualized custom training that will suit your needs.

Places of Worship

Course Description

Active shooter course for places of worship

Active shootings in places of worship are on the rise in the United States. This course goes through case studies of recent active shootings in places of worship, proven techniques to survive active shooter incidents, evacuation strategies, how to distinguish the sound of gunshots, physiological reactions to stress, how to interact with law enforcement, situational awareness, threat recognition, and a basic life saving medical intervention class.

Situational awareness for missionaries

Missionaries have a very important and oftentimes dangerous calling. Missionaries may travel abroad to locations where a nation is accepting of religion but there are dangerous criminal or military activities occurring. Or they might travel to countries where the government is completely against the idea of religious ideas and may be very hostile to your outreach teams. This course includes situational awareness tools, de-escalation techniques, travel safety methods to remain away from dangerous locations or personnel, and how to avoid theft, physical violence, and/or kidnapping and extortion.

De-escalation training

Places of worship often deal with people that may not be happy or friendly. Most often, this can be mitigated by properly and calmly de-escalating the situation with a few simple tools that have been studied and proven over many years. This course equips staff to handle situations with grace.

Security team training

Oftentimes a place of worship desires to be welcoming to new members, but wants to maintain a level of security as well. How can a security team elegantly perform this task? This course includes: security team posture and makeup, leadership roles, placement of medical supplies around the building, basic trauma medical intervention course, escalation of force training, and use of non-lethal tools.

Optional and highly recommended: scenario based training at the range or on site at the place of worship, concealed carry firearms training, holster and gear recommendations. This course comes with a qualification shooting exam (if desired) and a yearly or quarterly course of fire for continued training after completion of the course. Additionally, certification of state security guards is available upon request.

Site security assessments

A full security assessment of buildings, property, emergency procedures and leadership structure. This is done with regard to the state and federal guidance that exists in your location, and will include a full report on the pro’s and con’s of the current security situation, with a list of actionable items your organization can do to enhance the safety of your staff or students. Recommendations range from free to high-end security measures, understanding that there are often times budgetary concerns. This assessment can be done in conjunction with any of the above courses.

If you are an individual or small group other than what is listed above, please contact ASR Solutions for individualized custom training that will suit your needs.


Course Description

Active shooter course

This course is our most popular, going through case studies of recent active shootings, proven techniques to survive active shooter incidents, how to distinguish the sound of gunshots, physiological reactions to stress, how to interact with law enforcement, situational awareness, threat recognition, and a basic life saving medical intervention class.

De-escalation training

Hospitals often deal with people that may not be happy or friendly. Most often, this can be mitigated by properly and calmly de-escalating the situation with a few simple tools that have been studied and proven over many years. This course equips staff to handle situations with grace.

Staff safety and threat recognition

This course is specifically designed for the tough situations and sometimes threatening environments that doctors, nurses and other hospital staff find themselves in, and it covers recognizing when you’re in a threatening situation, de-escalation techniques, situational awareness, and a large portion on role playing and rehearsing common hospital violent situations.

Site security assessments

A full security assessment of hospital buildings, property, emergency procedures and leadership structure. This is done with regard to the state and federal guidance that exists in your location, and will include a full report on the pro’s and con’s of the current security situation, with a list of actionable items your organization can do to enhance the safety of your staff or students. Recommendations range from free to high-end security measures, understanding that there are often times budgetary concerns. This assessment can be done in conjunction with any of the above courses.

If you are an individual or small group other than what is listed above, please contact ASR Solutions for individualized custom training that will suit your needs.

Security Teams

Group of civilian practice gun shoot on target on outdoor shooting range. Civilian team weapons training

Custom training for Security Teams (Guards, Protection Agents, Church Security Teams, Hospital Security Teams, etc). This training is imperative for security teams to understand their abilities, and also maintain their skills on a constant basis over time. Training includes de-escalation techniques, trauma medical intervention (TCCC), threat recognition, firearms training, scenario based simunition training (fake paint ammo), and if requested, certification or recertification of guard cards as per your state guidance. This course helps your organization to avoid lawsuits, equips your team to appropriately protect people and infrastructure, and also gives you peace of mind at the proficiency of your security team.

If you are an individual or small group other than what is listed above, please contact ASR Solutions for individualized custom training that will suit your needs.
Active Shooter Response Solutions Medkit
Active Shooter Response Training

About Us

At Active Shooter Response Solutions, we are uniquely qualified to prepare you for any violent encounter you or your organization may face in the future. Our staff has members that have survived the worst mass shooting in American history, Special Operators who have served in some of the most dangerous locations around the world, and SWAT Paramedics who see medical trauma on a regular basis.

The experience that these instructors have will enable you to be empowered and prepared for ANY violent encounter in your life, not just an active shooter incident. We have trained social workers, church security teams, businesses and university staff. We will equip you and your staff with a basic underlying foundation of confidence that will allow you to go about your daily life without being anxious about your safety.

We don't believe in cookie cutter solutions to safety or bland online training. Every organization, campus and building is different and each comes with it's own unique safety and security concerns. Our team will meet with you to discuss customized hands-on training or security assessments that will adequately support your requirements.

Kyle Sproles

Kyle is an Army Special Forces Green Beret and executive protection specialist. He has been confronting threats of all kinds for over a decade on multiple continents and inside the United States. His experience in training to respond to active shooter incidents at embassies and American facilities abroad, coupled with his experience protecting high value clients has enabled him to be uniquely qualified for preparing individuals to respond to active threats. He can confidently pass important life saving skills to his clients from real-world experience in; decision making in high stress environments, treating gunshot wounds, detecting threats to protect his clients, and de-escalating situations before they lead to violence.

Kyle is extremely passionate about keeping people safe and uninjured and that’s why it’s the mission statement of ASR Solutions. He has been passionately instructing law enforcement, military units, and civilians around the world about how to react under stress, and he will eagerly continue to inform and instruct anyone who will lend an ear.

Kyle Sproles - Owner of Active Shooter Response Solutions

Please contact us for a customized quote specific to your organizations needs.